About Us
2025 marks the 31th Anniversary of the Annual Sue DeYoung/Judy Edger Memorial Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run. This fun event celebrates, supports and honors the courageous women impacted by breast cancer.
The Annual Sue DeYoung/Judy Edger Memorial Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run began in1993, by Laurie Howell, as a memorial to Sue DeYoung. Sue, wife and mother of 4 children, lost her battle with breast cancer in 1992. Judy Edger, another key contributor to the event, also lost her life to with breast cancer. To honor Judy’s commitment to the cause, the community and the continuous search for a cure, her name was added to the event title in 1999. Laurie Howell, original event organizer, lost her own battle with breast cancer in 2011; but not before leaving Charlevoix with a legacy event that continues to enhance community resources, aide those impacted by the illness, and advance the search for a cure. The Beta Sigma Phi sorority organized the Annual Sue DeYoung/Judy Edger Memorial Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run event from 2005-2019, and formed Walk.Run.Cure.
Today, the Annual Sue DeYoung/Judy Edger Memorial Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run event continues under the direction of Sandra Novotny, Sue DeYoung’s daughter, and Shelley DeYoung. Supported by generous donations of area sponsors and a community of annual event participants, the Sue DeYoung/Judy Edger Memorial Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run event has raised more than $200,000 and continues to benefit both our friends/families affected by cancer, and the community resources supporting them; including, but not limited to Charlevoix Hospital Infusion Center, the Patient Care Program, Charlevoix Health Department, Camp Quality, Hospice of Northern Michigan, Beautiful Survivor, etc.
The open invite event is hosted annually on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, in downtown Charlevoix’s East Park. In 2020, the event was expanded to offer a virtual opportunity to participate, encouraging walk/run photos submitted from wherever and afar!